Ellie Ronquillo

Apex Legends Mobile: New Ways for the Outlands

Ellie Ronquillo
Apex Legends Mobile: New Ways for the Outlands

Global Takedown

We all know and love Apex Legends. It may be that some of us have that “love/hate” relationship with it. Recently, Respawn has released ‘Apex Legends Mobile’. I myself have recently hopped on it and tried out this version of this game. I was hesitant at first. Sometimes mainstream games that are ported to mobile from PC/ consoles tend to have a lot of issues, but my experience in this game has been pretty good! The interface is similar to a lot of mobile games. Controls and information are displayed in the familiar mobile format. This means notifications, challenges, season pass tab, and so much more are visible. Personally, I think it is a bit much, but it is also something you can adjust to (being a console player myself). 

Since the soft release, players have been looking forward to this day. As of May 17th, the game has been officially launched. All around the globe, everyone has downloaded the game. As one of those consumers, I was definitely excited to try it out! A week and a half in, and people are going crazy!

Source; Pocketgamer.com; Photographer: Sumant Meena


This version of this game is fun, though do not get me wrong, some say it is quite easy to play online and get wins! Haha, but, in all honesty, this mobile version feels like a “test” run for new players. There is a bit of a difference in the mobile version vs. the console/pc platforms, of course. We are introduced to third person point of view in the game, and it is an interesting take on this game. We have been used to the first person view for about 3 years now. This is definitely a game changer for some veterans who have downloaded this version.

Source; GoSunNoob.com; by Nikola Savic

Get those DUBS!

Apex Legends mobile is just sky-rocketing in the gaming community as well. Streamers are posting their “dubs” – or in this case, wins and kills – on their social media. Reviews are at 10k+ and all positive, with a rating of 4.9/5.0 on Apple’s app store. Every review shows that everything is going smoothly with this version, and consumers are loving it! Overall, this game is still going strong without a doubt! Cheers to you, and to more seasons to come and new legends! I guess in my own review; Apex Legends mobile is a 5 star mobile game, and Respawn has launched an amazing idea! Game on gamers & get those wins and become the new Apex Legends Mobile Champion! Woohoo!